Sunday, April 19, 2009

Another Day

Grandma is fine. She had the tray this morning. The tray is the: instant coffee and dry-coffee mate containers, sugar cubes (6) or so, 3/4 cup of whole milk, boiled water that has whistled in the tea kettle put into a specific coffee cup, a teaspoon, and a piece of lemon cake, and napkins. I arrange this and bring it to the couch where she sits when she is not in bed. I make sure she takes her morning medicine.

Then I turn the TV on and find something she likes. It is only about 2 channels she watches. Weekends are a bit more difficult, and this is the weekend. I make my tea and go outside to drink it and Grandma is yelling, angry yelling, over and over,l I run in fast, she wants the dining room light turned off. How the heck it got on I do not know. I turn it off and ask her if she is okay. She is not okay, and wants to yell more about the light.

For late lunch/dinner she had Whopper w/cheese, fries, onion rings. I promise not to toss the leftovers and add them to the pile in the fridge.

92 degrees in Pomona today! The weather is good for Grandma. The cold bothers her. We had the front door open today off and on. About 7:30 pm I went to the store to buy fresh milk and replace the two boxes of sugar-free lemoncake I bought by accident the other day with non sugar-free. The sun was going down and getting to the 70's and the sunset was so pretty, I thought how nice the house would be with a breeze now between the front and back door.

Mitch helped me carry the stuff in right away. He shut the front door before I could even open the back door for air. Grandma had wanted the front door shut some time ago.

Yesterday, Grandma was hollering from the couch, Hey!, Hey!, something, something, I ran in the liv. rm. she is angry because of the violence on the TV. Ohmy! I thought, did Bonanza or MASH start right after 3 episodes of Golden Girls?! What could she possibly be watching? She is mad, says there are only men fighting on TV and no women in the show whatsoever. I take the remote to find something else, and to see what violent show upset her so much, it was Happy Days, LOL.

It's 9:05, grandma is napping sitting up in the dark liv. rm. but she does not want to go to bed. We try to be quiet and pay attention at the same time. The not so "quiet ghetto" is having a huge party down the street right now.


  1. I love it! You started your blog! I love to hear what your day was like!

    Maybe grandma sneaks over to the dining room light switch and back to the couch. I wouldn't put it past her.

    That Happy Days tid-bit was hilarious!

  2. The "Tray" sounds wounderful, I think I might have to come by one moring and have a tray for myself. You are a very good writer mum, one of my favorites!

  3. Hi Anna,
    This is Pam. I was thinking about you when I got up this morning. Then, Mike showed me your blog. I have wondered what it was like living there. Living with Grandma sounds a little like living with me.:( Anyway, looks like this blog is a good (creative) way to vent. I just wanted to invite you to call or e-mail me if you need some more personal venting. My e-mail address is You have my phone number.
    Take care and continue to be a ninja.
