Friday, April 24, 2009


I blogged the week and then pressed "save now". But don't know how to find it. So, who cares to know the horrifics of the week past and what Grandma eats and how and when she goes to the bathroom? Goes to show I should write and post everyday if I'm gonna do this thing.

Poor Mitch. Today he came home at 7 pm w/Andrew (well before dark) and the greeting he gets when he comes in the door is Grandma yelling at him because he did not call her a second time. He called to let her know that he will be home before dark.

Kind Mary takes care of Andrew and picks Mitch up from school on Friday's now. I told them they ought to go to McD's and the movies after. I took Mitch to school, took Andrew to Mary's and went to work. Mitch called me @ work to see if a 4 pm movie would be too late to come home and take care of Grandma. He even offered to call and let her know he would be home before dark. He did that and still gets the welcome he got. No one looks forward to coming home here. Mitch is so kind to Grandma, he made her dinner, and did her bidding, she calls upon him every ten minutes sometimes, yelling from the couch, just to say something like "oh, the killeeshek was good".

Mitch wants to move out when he turns 18 or soon as possible. Taking care of Grandma and Andrew... I will miss him so much.


  1. yelling from the couch, just to say something like "oh, the killeeshek was good".

    The above sentence just broke my heart! It sounds like a Sam Shepard or Chekhov play.

  2. It sounds like dealing with an angry customer all day and night...and the customer is always "right". You can't even put her on hold and make her listen to horrible static music for a moment of relief.
