Friday, April 24, 2009

There is more...

Forgot, this morning, while getting a teacup out of the cupboard, a stupid killeeshik fell out of the cupboard onto the counter, and I winced, sure enough Grandma came running out of her room about all the racket. In the mornings I know how to open each doorknob with the precision of a thief not to make a single sound, although that is not possible, and she hears even the slightest click and there is the bump of the other two closed bedroom doors from the wind pressure from opening my door ever so slowly.

I just can't stand it when people are mean to my kids.

Tomorrow Mitch does the "sitting' here again, only he will be at the house all day. I'm a bit upset that Kathy went to Serena's w/o my permission for the weekend. I would have wanted her to give Mitch a break.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Anna.

    I read all your posts and enjoyed every word.

    Your ability to write is Fantastic!

    You leave me with mixed emotions, In one sense you have me rolling in laughter and in the other you have my heart of compassion.

    Excellent Blog, please continue........

  3. Outsider, you just expressed my exact thoughts and feelings as well.
